Thursday, January 14, 2010

New year, new plans, new - blog?

Sometimes we just need that push - that moment of confidence - to feel just cocky enough to start expressing ourselves again. For real - even though no one may be listening. (or perhaps for that very reason?) So a new year has started - our THIRD frigid winter underway in Chicago - and I find myself aching for a more authentic connection with the world outside my home. Well, maybe more honestly, what I'm hoping for is a connection inward.

I could probably wring every ounce of cheese from this whole Idea of Connectedness - and get all philosophical on you, but there isn't really time for that. Between my Raucous Talker (4) and My Rose (6 mos), a part-time writing job, a oft-traveling, talented, and oh-so handsome hubby - it's a wonder I notice the outside world at all.

But of course there are some news stories you don't miss - like psunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Events that change (or destroy) people's lives thousands of miles away tend to nip at you like cold waves as the tide gradually comes in. You could move your blanket further up the beach - or let yourself be carried away with the undertow. Or you could do what many of us do - take notice of the water, hesitate...and then move our blankets.

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